All clubs are reminded that they owe a duty of Care to all Players, Officers of the Club and Officials. Where neutral umpires are not deployed great care must be exercised in the playing of any form of Cricket in inclement conditions.

1. General

The Competition shall be known as the Pembroke County Cricket League and shall be played in accordance with the “Laws of Cricket, 2017 Code”, except where these are varied by these Rules.

2. League Management

The Management of the League shall be vested in the Executive Committee.

3. Affiliated Clubs/Club requirement

All clubs taking part in the league shall be affiliated to the Pembroke County Cricket Club. In order to be accepted as an Affiliated Club, and to play in the league, such Club’s facilities must be up to the standard required by the County Club by the 1st October following their application for affiliation.

Any club that applies for membership of the Pembroke County Cricket Club must be able to show that it has proper toilet, washing and catering facilities available otherwise membership will be refused.

Likewise any club(s) already affiliated to the Pembroke County Cricket Club must, have adequate toilet, washing and catering facilities in place that satisfy the requirements of the Executive Committee of the Pembroke County Cricket Club.

Failure to meet these requirements will see that club(s) being relegated each season until such time that these facilities are considered satisfactory or until the club reaches the lowest division.

For the avoidance of doubt a toilet may be inside or outside the pavilion; catering facilities must be clean and hygienic, and washing facilities must include the ability for players to shower after a match if required. The Executive Committee will continue to monitor the standard of these facilities and will thoroughly investigate any complaint made against the facilities of any club.

4. Finance

All monies other than Gate Money, shall be dealt with by the Pembroke County Cricket Club.

5. Entry into the league

Any Club admitted to the League shall be placed in the lowest Division.

6. Eligibility to play in the league/Player Registration

​The Pembroke County Cricket League is an amateur league.

6a) Eligibility:

No person shall play cricket in the league, if in the current season, they have played in first class cricket or have been or are being paid by an individual or an individual club, county or other organisation to play cricket. For clarity, ‘being paid’ will include any remuneration, including expenses, etc.

Should it be proved that any club has knowingly played a paid player in the current season that club will have its affiliation to the Pembroke County Cricket Club withdrawn.

A player must be a member of the club he is representing and be a bona-fide playing member of that club.

No player shall be eligible for more than one club during the same season unless transferred with the consent of the Player Registration Officer.

A player playing in the Pembroke County Cricket League, cannot play consecutively, in any other league.
Should a player, playing in another league, wish to play in the Pembroke County Cricket League, they can register for the Club, however, should they then play in another league again, their registration will be cancelled and they will not be allowed to return to play in the Pembroke County Cricket League in that season.

Should any player who wishes to move to a Club within the Pembroke County Cricket League after the mid-point of the season (To avoid misunderstanding the mid-point of the season is taken as being until midnight on June 30th), their involvement will require ratification by the County Executive.

6b) Bona fide playing member: (for the purpose of brevity, he will mean he/she, etc.)

Have completed and signed a registration form, for the club, provided that he has not signed a registration form for any other club within the league.

If he has so signed, he remains a registered player with that club unless transferred as per rule 7. If a player's registration is cancelled and he wishes to register for any other Club in this League in that season a new registration form must be completed and returned to the Player Registration Officer.

If a player plays for another Club Outside of the Pembroke County Cricket League, it is the responsibility of the Pembroke County Cricket League Club to inform the Player Registration Officer.

6c) Player Registration:

All players must write their FULL NAME AND ADDRESS, IN BLOCK CAPITALS, enter their DATE OF BIRTH, and sign their portion of the form. For JUNIOR players a date of birth must be certified by the player's parent or guardian.

The Club Secretary or a responsible club officer will then complete and SIGN the form and forward it to the Player Registration Officer.

If a player wishes to register on the day of a match the registration form must be completed before the start of play on that day and returned to the Player Registration Officer to reach him not later than the following Wednesday for a Saturday fixture, and not later than three days following any league or cup match played on any other day.

Should any club wish to deregister a player they must advise the Player Registration Officer in writing.

6d) Safeguarding:

As part of affiliation to Cricket Wales, it is mandatory that the ECB policies, procedures and guidelines are followed.

Breach of these standards may result in sanctions from Cricket Wales or the League Executive Committee. Any club that is not compliant by 28th February each year will be deducted 50 points. If the club is compliant by the start of the season the points will be handed back. The Club Safeguarding Officer and Coaches must be compliant, and the captains must have a ‘valid’ DBS.

Safeguarding Officer Compliance:

  • A ‘valid’ DBS – This is a DBS registered with the ECB / Cricket Wales.
  • A Safeguarding and Protecting Children course certificate (either ECB online - Safeguarding for Specialist Roles, or a UK Coaching classroom course).
  • A Safe Hands course certificate. (The Safe Hands course is specific to cricket).

Coaches Compliance, all Coaches must have:

  • Coaching qualification.
  • A ‘valid’ DBS – This is a DBS registered with the ECB / Cricket Wales.
  • A Safeguarding and Protecting Children course certificate (either ECB online - Safeguarding for Specialist Roles, or a UK Coaching classroom course).

All the above Safeguarding are valid for a period of three years. (NB. A DBS can be registered with the DBS Update Service, where it is reviewed annually).
Clubs with Junior Teams must be 100% compliant on the SHMS portal.

This is a ‘working document’, which must be reviewed when there are changes to personnel at the club. Failure to do so will mean that the club will not be able to enter teams into the Junior Leagues.

6e) Ineligible Players:

'Should  any club field a team which includes an ineligible player(s) then that team shall have all the points awarded for the match deducted, and the club may also be fined up to a maximum of £50. Should their opponents in that match lose the game, the non-offending team will be awarded the highest number of points awarded to any team in the same division on that day.

Should there be no other completed fixtures in that division on that day, then the non-offending team will be awarded 15 points. At the same time the ineligible player(s) and the club concerned could face disciplinary action if it is shown that he/she and or the club was a willing party to any deliberate deception. This could include a further points deduction for the club.

6f) Age qualification:

Players who are selected in a Regional under 12 squad in the spring, for a summer squad are eligible to play open age cricket. This is providing they are at least 11 years old and are in school Year 7 on 1st September in the year preceding the season.

For these players to play open age cricket, clubs must obtain written parental consent and a written agreement from both the Cricket Wales West Under 12 Head Coach and the Cricket Wales West Regional Manager and the Club Safeguarding Officer.

In allowing these players to play in open age cricket, it is essential that clubs and coaches recognise the ‘duty of care‘ obligations they have towards these young players.

Players who are not in a regional squad must wait until they reach the Under 13 age group, be in school Year 8 and be 12 years old on 1st September in the year preceding the season, before being able to play open age cricket. As before written parental consent is required for these players.

For the purpose of this rule, Pembrokeshire is considered a Region (as of 2021 Cricket Wales West). Should any club field an under-age player then that club may be liable to a fine not exceeding £50 and will lose all points awarded for that match.

6g) Exceptions to the above rules:

In the lowest two division, the league shall allow bona-fide registered players of a Pembroke County Cricket League affiliated club to play on permit from another Pembroke County Cricket League affiliated club. This shall be permitted only where all three of the following conditions are met:

  1. The player has not played in a division above the two lowest divisions.
  2. The club using the named player(s) on permit has sent a letter or email to the Player Registration Officer confirming that without the use of the permitted player(s) they would not have been able to field 11 players. This letter or email shall be received not later than 5pm on the Wednesday following the match.
  3. The club at which the player is a bone-fide member has also sent a letter or email to the Player Registration Officer confirming that the player(s) in question could not have been accommodated in their match day squad(s) on the day in question. This letter or email shall be received not later than 5pm on the Wednesday following the match.

For clarity, if a team in the lowest two divisions has a bye, and the player(s) are not selected for any other team within the Club, they would be eligible to play for another Club within the lowest two divisions.

For further clarity, should the above conditions not be met, then the rules dealing with the playing of an ineligible player shall be followed by the League Secretary.

A false statement being provided by either club in respect to the above shall also result in the League Secretary applying the rule dealing with the playing of an ineligible player. Notification must be sent to the Player Registration Officer and NOT to the League Secretary.

6h) Amalgaming with another club:

In Principle a club with a first team in the higher divisions should be able to form a second team by amalgamating with another club who also has a first team in one of the higher divisions. This amalgamated team would play in the lowest divisiononly under the joint name of the two clubs.

Players in the amalgamated team would only be allowed to play in the teams in the higher divisions of the club they are registered with.
The amalgamated team would comprise of registered players from both clubs in any match played.
The amalgamated team could not earn promotion.

Venue for the matches will be decided by the two clubs and the League Secretary.

6i) Exceptions to the above rules:

The Executive Committee of the Pembroke County Cricket Club will consider the playing position of players not included in any of the above, and provided full details are advised in writing, permission may be granted.

6j) Miscellaneous:

No player who has played nine (9) or more games for a higher team can play for a lower team in the month of August, unless the player has palyed four (4) or more ganmes for a lower team in that season.

There may be exceptions to this rule. If a club wishes to include a player in a lower team who does not meet the conditions set out above, an email must be sent to the Hon. Secretary by Thursday of that week outlining the circumstances. Consultation will take place between the Hon Secretary, Chair and League Secretary. The Hon Secretary will confirm the outcome. If a club does play someone in contravention of this rule, rule 6(e) will apply.

If a club does play someone in contravention of this rule, rule 6(e) will apply.

6k) Miscellaneous:

This rule does not apply to either ladies cricket or junior cricket.

The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final in all matters relating to this rule.

7. Player Transfers

(a) Should any player wish to transfer to another club playing in the league, an application for the transfer of a registered player must be made on the prescribed transfer form. All players must write their FULL NAME AND ADDRESS in BLOCK capitals, enter their DATE OF BIRTH, and sign their portion of the form.

The Secretaries of both clubs will then complete and SIGN the form and the Secretary of the club to which the player is transferring will forward the form to the Player Registration Officer.

(b) All transfers must be approved by the Player Registration Officer not less than 24 hours before the player plays for his new club in a league or cup match. A scanned copy is acceptable.

(c) No player so transferred, or, whose registration is cancelled after the middle point of the league schedule may take part in any of the competitions organised by the Pembroke County Cricket League during the season.

To avoid misunderstanding the mid-point of the season is taken as being until midnight on June 30th.

8. Ground suitability

The Executive Committee shall have the right to refuse membership or to suspend any Club whose ground is deemed unfit for the playing of League matches. Any team unable to have its ground inspected twice yearly will not be allowed to proceed above the lowest division. If any areas are deemed to be unsuitable the Clubs concerned may be required by the Executive Committee to play all League matches away from home, if possible, until the defects are remedied.

Any complaints during the season about the state of areas shall be investigated by the Grounds Advisor and similar action taken if necessary.

Should more than two inspections of a ground be necessary for the spring inspection and again for the autumn inspection, then the club involved will be charged an inspection fee of £20 for each additional inspection in excess of the first two.

9. League matches on Harrison Allen Final day

No League match shall be arranged on the date of the Final Round of the Harrison-Allen Bowl Competition.

10. League Structure/Promotion/Relegation

The League shall be divided into divisions, each one consisting of a maximum of ten teams. The lowest division must consist of at least five teams and may contain more than ten.

The system for promotion and relegation at the end of each season shall be as follows:
Apart from Division One, only the top two teams in each division shall be eligible for promotion to the division immediately above. Should any of the teams eligible for such promotion belong to a Club which already has a team in the division immediately above, then that team shall no longer be eligible for promotion.

Except for the lowest division the bottom two teams in each division will be relegated to the division immediately below.

As two teams from the same Club shall not play in the same division, then fewer than two teams may be promoted or relegated.

The following procedure will be adopted for promotion and relegation at the end of the season:

1. Relegation from Division 1.
2. Promotion from Division 2.
3. Relegation from Division 2.

It is not possible to cater for every eventuality. With a number of clubs having more than one team it is possible that one of the teams will finish in the relegation position and the other will finish in the promotion position of the league immediately below.

To clarify the issue the executive have interpreted the rules as follows:

Should a clubs' team finish in the bottom two of its division, it will be relegated. If the club has a team in that division, that team is also relegated. The only exception to this is when the team finishes next to bottom and the team in the lower division finishes in the promotion position. In this case both teams will remain in their respective divisions.

In the event that no teams are eligible for automatic relegation from any division other than the bottom division owing to the above rules, then the bottom club in that division shall play a single play-off league fixture against the highest positioned team in the league below who are eligible for promotion.

The game shall take place on the Sunday 8 days after the Harrison-Allen Bowl Final, with the team from the higher division being deemed to be the 'home' club. All normal league rules, including "Overs reduction for time loss" rules shall apply, but with the exception that the team who scores the most runs on the day shall be deemed the winner (if tied on runs then the result shall be declared a draw with no promotion or relegation).

In the event that it is not possible to complete the fixture the game shall be rescheduled (and restarted) on subsequent Sundays until complete. In the event that a club’s 2nd, 3rd or 4th XI's are taking part, then all participants must have played at least 6 league games for that side during the regular season.

11. Fixtures/Nominated ground/League winners/ Trophy return/engraving

Weather permitting, each Club shall play every other Club in its division both at home and away, except in the lowest division if there are more than ten teams.

As far as home fixtures are concerned all Clubs shall, before the commencement of each season, nominate the ground on which each team will play their home fixtures, and all such home fixtures shall only be played on the nominated ground unless prior authority to play elsewhere has been granted by the Executive Committee.

Applications to change the venue of the home fixtures must be received by the League Secretary no later than seven days before the scheduled fixture.

The Championship of each division shall be awarded to the Club which obtains the most points. Should more than one Club obtain the same number of points, the Championship, promotion, or relegation will then be decided with reference to the average points per completed game. If there is still a tie, then the average runs scored in each completed game will decide. If there is still a tie, then the average number of wickets taken in completed games will decide. In this context, "a completed game" is understood to mean "a game actually played to a conclusion".

The Champions of each division shall hold the Championship Trophy for one year.

All senior and junior championship trophies must be returned to the Chairman of the County Club by the first Saturday in August of each year.

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the champions of each division to ensure the championship trophy is suitably engraved with their name and the year in which they won the trophy.

Should a trophy be returned to the Executive Committee without these details being added, the club concerned will be fined £20 plus the cost of having the cup engraved.

12. League Points scoring system

The scheme for scoring points in all league matches (including play- offs under rule 10) shall be as follows:

(a) For a win, 10 points, plus any bonus points;

(b) In a tie, each side to score 5 points, plus any bonus points;

(c) Bonus points (awarded for performances in each innings and whatever the result of the match):-

(i) Batting: In Divisions One & Two the first batting point will awarded when 40 runs have been scored. Thereafter one point will be awarded for every additional 40 runs scored up to a maximum of 5 (200 runs).

In all other Divisions: The first batting point will be awarded when 30 runs have been scored. Thereafter one point will be awarded for every additional 30 runs scored, up to a maximum of 5 (150 runs).

In the lowest division, or the lowest two divisions where there are six (6) divisions, one batting point will be awarded when 25 runs have been scored. Thereafter one point will be awarded for every additional 25 runs up to a maximum of 5 (125 runs).

(ii) Bowling: For each two wickets taken by the fielding side in an innings - 1 point, i.e 2 wickets in an innings - 1 point; 4 wickets in an innings - 2 points; 6 wickets in an innings - 3 points; 8 wickets in an innings - 4 points; 10 wickets in an innings - 5 points;

(iii) In the event of a team batting short for any reason and their opponents capturing ALL available wickets, then the maximum of five (5) bonus points shall be awarded.

(iv) In the event of the team that loses the toss and bats second winning the match, they shall be awarded 1 additional batting point for every two wickets in hand provided that the maximum total of batting points does not exceed 5'.

(d) In a match abandoned due to weather conditions each side will receive the following points.

1 point when 15 overs have been bowled
2 points when 30 overs have been bowled
3 points when 45 overs have been bowled
4 points when 60 overs have been bowled
5 points when 75 overs have been bowled (ie completed overs)
plus any bonus points accrued at the time of the abandonment.

In the lowest division, or the lowest two divisions where there are six (6) divisions, each side will receive two points when 30 overs have been bowled plus any bonus points accrued at the time of abandonment.

(e) In the event of a league match not being fulfilled due to either side failing to raise a team then the match will be awarded to the side that is prepared to play. In such circumstances the points awarded to that team will be equal to the highest number of points awarded to any team in the same division that day.

Should there be no other completed fixtures in that division on that day, then the non offending team will be awarded 5 points.

The action to be taken by the club which is ready to play is outlined in rule 17 page 77.

(f) Penalty runs awarded under the Laws of Cricket 2017 Code will only be awarded when there is a qualified umpire standing who has been appointed by the P.A.C.O. If only one appointed umpire is available he must officiate as the bowling end umpire.

13. Match length/Bowling restrictions/Result notification

All League matches in the1st and 2nd divisions must consist of a maximum of 90 overs and in the remaining divisions (except for the lowest division, or the lowest two divisions where there are six (6) divisions,); a match must consist of a maximum of 80 six-ball overs unless a definite result has been obtained before.

In the lowest division, or lowest two (2) divisions if there are six (6) divisions, a match will consist of 70 six-ball overs unless a definite result has been obtained before.

The side batting first may bat up to a maximum of 45 overs in the 1st and 2nd divisions, 40 overs in the remaining divisions except the lowest division, or the lowest two divisions where there are six (6) divisions, where the side batting first will have a maximum of 35 overs.

The side batting first must bat for a minimum of 35 overs in the 1st and 2nd Divisions, 30 overs in the remaining Divisions, except the lowest Division, or the lowest two (2) Divisions if there are six (6) divisions, where the side batting first must bat a minimum of 25 overs, unless the side is already bowled out.

Should the game be delayed and rule 15 applied, the minimum number of overs the side batting first has to play will be reduced by one (1) over for every two overs lost.

For example: In the first two (2) divisions should the start of the match be delayed by 30 minutes the match is reduced by 10 overs, making it a 40 overs per side match. Therefore, the side batting first must bat a minimum 30 overs. In the remaining divisions (except the lowest division, or the lowest two (2) divisions if there are six (6) divisions) it would make it a 35 overs per side match and the side batting first would need to bat a minimum of 25 overs. In the lowest division, or the lowest two (2) divisions if there are six (6) divisions, it would make it a 30 overs per side match and the side batting first would need to bat a minimum of 20 overs.

Once a game has started no further reductions in overs is permitted.

In the 1st and 2nd divisions, if either innings is not completed within a period of two hours and forty-five minutes playing time, the fielding side shall be penalised by the deduction of two points for each over remaining of the 45 overs which has not been started within the said two hours and forty-five minutes. (Note: No additional time shall be allowed for drinks, injuries, etc.).

No bowler may bowl more than one fifth of the overs in an innings, where part of an over shall count as a full over in so far as each bowler's limit is concerned. In such games which are of reduced overs, no bowler may bowl more than one fifth of the overs scheduled in that innings.

The counting of the overs is the responsibility of the Umpires, and only if they disagree shall the scorers be consulted.

In League Division One, any ball that passes both the striker and the striker’s wicket on the leg side without touching the striker’s bat or person shall be called a wide ball.
In addition, crease markings shall be in place, with lines marked parallel to the return creases, joining the popping and bowling creases, the outer edge of this line being 17 inches from the inside of the return crease. Any ball that passes both the striker and the striker’s wicket outside of this line on the offside of the striker shall be called a wide ball.

Law 22 Wide Ball, The Laws of Cricket 2017 Code 3rd Edition 2022, shall apply in respect of the position and movement of the striker.

The Tea interval should not exceed twenty (20) minutes.

In league division 1 & 2 fielding restrictions will apply whereby at the moment of delivery a minimum of four fieldsmen (plus the bowler and wicket-keeper) must be within an area bounded by two semi circles centred on each middle stump (each with a radius of 30yards) and joined by a parallel line on each side of the pitch. In the event of an infringement, the square leg umpire shall call "No Ball".

The fielding circle should be marked by painted white "dots" at 5 (five) yard intervals, by a white plastic or rubber (but not metal) disc measuring seven (7") inches in diameter.

The result of the match shall be notified to the League Secretary, of the Pembroke County Cricket League, by the team playing at home in the match. Such notification shall be in the form indicated below.

a) A telephone call before 9.00pm on the evening of the match which will also include details of the best batting and bowling performances, also the result of the toss and who batted first, and

b) The submission of a result card plus signed team sheets which must reach the League Secretary not later than Wednesday following the match. The card should be signed by a neutral umpire if one has been provided for the match. In the absence of a neutral umpire a responsible member of each club should sign the card.

The team sheet must include the First and Surname of all players taking part. Should two players have identical names then any nickname or other identifying name must be used.

The team sheet must also include who won the toss and who batted first.

A fine of £10 will be imposed on any club that sends in an incorrectly completed team sheet. Additionally, where an incomplete team sheet is sent in to the League Secretary the side that has failed to complete its section of the team sheet will be liable for a fine not exceeding £50.

Details of the best performances in the match must also be included on the card.

A fine of up to £50 may be imposed on the home club if it fails to notify the result of the match on time, or fails to send in the necessary result card and team sheets for both teams by the Wednesday following the match.

A false statement being provided by eother club in respect of the above shall also result in the League Secretary applying the rule dealing with playing of an ineligible player.

14. ECB Fast Bowling Directive

​Should any club be found guilty of failing to observe the current ECB Fast Bowling Directive (Please refer to Page 54 of the Handbook) the defaulting club will lose any points awarded.

Should their opponents in that match lose or draw the game, the non-offending team will be awarded the highest number of points awarded to any team in the same division on that day. Should the maximum number of points awarded be for a drawn game, or should there be no other completed fixtures in that division on that day then the non-offending club will be awarded 25 points.

15. Start time for matches/Overs reduction due to time loss

Matches in all divisions will start no later than 1.30pm. If the weather, light or ground conditions prevent a start at the times listed above, the start may be delayed.

In the event of a delayed start the length of the match will be reduced at a rate of two (2) overs for each 7 minutes or part thereof of playing time lost, in division 1 and 2 with a minimum of 60 overs, where the side batting first may bat up to a maximum of 30 overs will constitute a match.

In the remaining divisions a minimum of 50 overs, where the side batting first may bat up to a maximum of 25 overs will constitute a match.

Table to assist both captains and umpires to calculate the number of overs lost against the time lost.

Total minutes lost   Overs lost         Total minutes lost   Overs lost  
1-7       57-63   18  
8-14       64-70   20  
15-21       71-77   22  
22-28       78-84   24  
29-35   10     85-91   26  
36-42   12     92-98   28  
43-49   14     99-105   30  
50-56   16        

Once a game has started, a total time lost in excess of one hour (excluding any agreed time for tea), which shall not be taken before 2.45pm, and the interval between innings, if they do not coincide, shall be sufficient for the match to be abandoned.

The fielding side shall be responsible for providing a suitable leather ball, which must bear the  official  P.C.C.C. stamp as approved by the Pembroke County Cricket Laegue Executive Committee.

In the event of any side failing to provide an approved ball as indicated above, such failure shall be reported to the Executive Committee, who may, at their discretion, fine and/or deduct points from the side concerned.

16. Bad Light

In the case of bad light, Law 3 of the Laws of Cricket (2017 Code) shall apply.

In the case of bad weather and the fitness of the ground for play, the umpires' decision will be final - except in a match where no nominated and approved umpire is standing, when the Captains shall agree. No match shall be replayed.

17. Minimum no. of players/Non fulfilments/Player eligibility/ Game cancellation

If after 30 minutes of the scheduled start of a match either side has less than eight nominated players available, then the match will be awarded to the team that has at least eight nominated players available to start the match. In the event of both sides having less than eight players available then the game shall be declared void and no points awarded.

Any points to be awarded to the side ready to play will be equal to the highest number of points awarded to any team  in the same division that day.
Should there be no other completed fixtures in that division on that day, then the non offending team will be awarded 5 points.

Home clubs may be liable to a fine of up to £50 should a fixture be cancelled due to weather conditions or the state of the ground before 12.00pm on the day of the fixture.

The Club which is ready to play shall report  the circumstances to the Executive Committee within three (3) days of the fixture. The offending club shall be fined £10 for the first offence,  £25 for the second offence, and £50 for the third offence and may be required to pay the expenses incurred by the non-offending Club, Umpires and Scorers.

Failure to fulfil three fixtures or to pay such expenses will lead to expulsion of the offending Club from the League competition.

In the event of clubs with more than one team being unable to field a side in any league match, priority must be given to the team playing in the highest division and taken in order of status.

18. Umpires

Each Club shall be encouraged to nominate an Umpire or Umpires who shall satisfy the Executive Committee, as advised by the Executive Committee of the Pembrokeshire Association of Cricket Officials, as to their availability to stand as Umpires.

Each Club shall appoint one of its nominated Umpires to stand in each League Match. In the case of an appointed Umpire failing to fulfil his engagement the two Captains shall agree on the selection of a substitute, who should, if possible, be an Approved Umpire.

A panel of Umpires is compiled for the Pembroke County Cricket Club by the Pembrokeshire Association of Cricket Officials.

19. Umpire complaints

Any complaint about Umpires shall be made in writing. It shall be signed personally by the Captain of the complaining team and countersigned by the Chairman or Hon. Secretary of his Club. Any complaint shall give specific reasons and shall not be in general terms.

20. Protests

​Any protest shall be lodged with the Hon. Secretary, Pembroke County Cricket League in writing within Three (3) days of a match. A fee of five pounds (£5) shall be sent with each protest.

21. League rule amendments

Any amendment to the Rules of the League shall be made at the Annual General Meeting of the Pembroke County Cricket Club, a simple majority being necessary to carry or reject such amendments. Notice of motion of such amendments to be sent to the Hon. Secretary 28 days before the meeting.

22. Compilation of League Fixtures

League Fixtures shall be compiled by the League Secretary of the Pembroke County Cricket Club.

23. Any other matter

The Executive Committee shall have the power to deal with any matter not provided for by these rules and the decision of the committee shall be final in all matters concerning the competition.

24. Clubs withdrawing from league

In the event of any Club withdrawing from the League during the season the result of all matches played by that Club shall be null and void.

25. Appointment of Umpires/Fees

(a) The Pembrokeshire Association of Cricket Officials will appoint the Umpires to stand in League matches in the First Division, and in as many Second Division matches as possible, on behalf of the Pembroke County Cricket Club. In the case of a game between two Clubs in divisions 1 or 2, who have not provided qualified Umpires, the appointment of Umpires will not be guaranteed. In all other League matches, League Rule 18 shall apply.

(b) Such appointed umpires shall be paid expenses of £40 each per match, these expenses to be paid by the clubs participating in each league fixture. Where only one appointed umpire is present and umpires at the bowlers end for both innings then the participating clubs will each pay that umpire £25.

Such expenses must be paid before the match commences.

Umpires travelling to matches which are called off and no start has been made shall be paid expenses of £10 each. If both clubs are present when the match is called off then the umpires expenses will be shared by both clubs. In the event of a cancelled game without notice being given to the umpires the expenses of £10 each will be paid to those umpires by the home team.

26. Pitch covering

After the toss and in the event of bad weather, the whole pitch may be covered.

27. Bank holiday fixtures

League matches arranged for a Bank Holiday may be re-arranged, at the discretion of the County Executive Committee, on a date subsequent to that Bank Holiday, agreed by both teams.

28. Artificial Wickets

Junior League matches may be ​played on an artificial turf wicket.

Matches in the lowest two (2) divisions may be played on an artificial turf pitch.

29. Law 42: 2017 Code of Conduct

'The procedures outlined in Law 42 that deals with level 3-4 breaches of discipline will not be adopted by the Pembroke County Cricket Club, except for the awarding of Penalty Runs and the reporting procedures. Any such breaches will be dealt with under the Discipline Procedures as outlined in pages 22-26 of the handbook.

Where neutral umpires are employed, level 1-2 breaches will be dealt with as per law 42. For the avoidance of doubt it should be noted that further discipline proceedings may be taken following the mandatory reporting by the umpires of any level 1-2 offences.'

30. Coloured Kit

Matches may be played in coloured kit.

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